The Scheme of Setting and Solving of Spatial Objects Monitoring Tasks | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

The Scheme of Setting and Solving of Spatial Objects Monitoring Tasks

Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (IEEE ITNT); Samara, RUSSIA; Samara, RUSSIA

Год издания: 2020

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1109/ITNT49337.2020.9253313

Ключевые слова: earth remote sensing, geospatial data processing and interpretation systems, interface of task setting., object-oriented monitoring, task manager

Аннотация: The problem of interaction of end users with the system of remote aerospace monitoring of the Earth's surface (hereinafter referred to as the System) when solving monitoring problems in the context of an object-oriented approach is discussed in the article. We consider such aspects of interaction as setting the task, interpreting the task in the internal representation of the System, solving the task, providing the resolution results to the Task Manager. Special attention is paid to the problem of solving task, which is considered as the ability of the System to dynamically build schemes for solving the task in dialogue with the Task Manager on the base of formal language of interaction. A generalized technique of the task setting is presented. The example of the task setting of measuring the surface temperature of the pointed out object - an agricultural field by satellite data in thermal range is also considered. © 2020 IEEE.

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Журнал: Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology

Номера страниц: 9253313

Издатель: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.


  • Maglinets Yurii (Siberian Fed Univ, Inst Space & Informat Technol, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Brezhnev Ruslan (Siberian Fed Univ, Inst Space & Informat Technol, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Raevich Ksenia (Siberian Fed Univ, Inst Space & Informat Technol, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Pyataeva Anna (Siberian Fed Univ, Inst Space & Informat Technol, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Tsybulsky Gennady (Siberian Fed Univ, Inst Space & Informat Technol, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

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