Проект спортивного дневника борца : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Проект спортивного дневника борца : научное издание

Перевод названия: Project of wrestlers sports diary

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2012

Ключевые слова: self-control, sports diary, training process, самоконтроль, спортивный дневник, учебно-тренировочный процесс

Аннотация: Отражена актуальность внедрения специализированного спортивного дневника в учебно-тренировочный процесс борцов для эффективной организации их подготовки. Наблюдение за своим организмом (самоконтроль) необходимо вести во все периоды тренировочного процесса и даже во время отдыха, так как это имеет не только воспитательное значение, но и приучает к сознательному и активному отношению к занятиям спортом. Результаты самоконтроля должны регулярно регистрироваться в дневнике самоконтроля, чтобы была возможность их периодически анализировать самостоятельно или совместно с преподавателем, тренером или врачом. Поэтому представленный проект спортивного дневника мы разрабатывали на основе опроса тренеров о целесообразности включения предложенных бланков. Health is the major and most important human need. It determines not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also ability to work and ensuring the harmonious development of personality, physical state, mental and social well-being. Health preservation and maintenance of high performance of athletes is possible when the physical and psycho-emotional loads correspond to their adaptive ability. Loads, which are below the optimal level, do not provide the desired training effect; those above the optimum are usually excessive and may give rise to different pre-pathological and pathological changes in the body, both physical and mental. Coaches, supervisors and medical professionals monitor the adequacy of training loads during the preparation of skilled athletes. But the doctor and coaches should not always observe health condition of athletes, because athletes must be able to assess their physical state, functional status of the major body systems, ensuring their availability, and changes in the process of exercise. The coach should ensure a conscious attitude of athletes. Beginning with the first phase of a multi-year training each athlete should be able to control their skills. The athlete must systematically put notes in diary, where s/he will describe not only the intensity of stress and exercise, results in training, competitions, special performance benchmarking, but also such subjective data as well-being, mood, sleep, appetite, etc. The problems concerning these points can be solved with the help of the wrestlers diary. In the mandatory minimum of daily self-reflection the athlete must include the purity of heart contractions. Data obtained by this method are considered to be objective and supposedly reflects the functional state of the organism. However, this method of characterising the load turned out to be unsuitable for the determination of physical fatigue. A.I. Zavyalov proved that frequency of the heart rate at high workload of high-class athletes is not a valid parameter to control the training effect. According to the statements above, we can note the existence of a scientific problem, which describes the need of improvement in training process of wrestlers, developing and implementing a special diary of self-control with a necessary component - the method for determining fatigue, and classification of changes in the electrocardiogram during the muscular load of a healthy person, developed by A.I. Zavyalov. As a result of supervisors observation the research features of the training process revealed the efficient organization of training athletes for achievement the best sporting result, where it is necessary to develop and implement a sports diary as an adjuvant to control the training process of wrestlers. Using a sports diary for the wrestlers should help to optimize their training process, and to realize the principles of health-technology training fighters.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 356

Номера страниц: 153-156

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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