Generating triples of involutions of large sporadic groups : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Generating triples of involutions of large sporadic groups : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2003

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1515/156939203322385892

Аннотация: In each finite simple sporadic group, excepting the Baby Monster group B, the Monster group M, the McLaughlin group McL and Mathieu groups M 11, M 22 , M 23, three generating involutions, two of which commute, are found.??If G is one of the groups M 12, M 24 , HS, J 1, J 2, J 3, then we give pairs of numbers p, q, p ? q, such that p = |ik|, q = |jk| for some involutions i , j , k with condition |ij| = 2 generating the group G. The triples of involutions mentioned above are found with the use of the system of computer algebra GAP. Recall that any two involutions of the triple of involutions generating either McL, or M 11, or M 22, or M 23 do not commute.

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Журнал: Discrete Mathematics and Applications

Выпуск журнала: Т. 13, 3

Номера страниц: 291-300

ISSN журнала: 09249265

Издатель: Brill Academic Publishers


  • Timofeenko A.V. (Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev)

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