К вопросу о времени строительства усадьбы Непомилуева из д. Гарманка Иркутской области | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

К вопросу о времени строительства усадьбы Непомилуева из д. Гарманка Иркутской области

Перевод названия: To a question of time of the construction of the Nepomeluyev''s manor house from village Garmanka of the Irkutsk region

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2013

Ключевые слова: wooden architecture, Siberia, history, architecture, dendrochronology, памятники деревянного зодчества, сибирь, история, архитектура, дендрохронология

Аннотация: Приводятся результаты дендрохронологического анализа древесины, отобранной с построек усадьбы Непомилуева из д. Гарманка Иркутской области. Полученные даты рубки древесины показали, что комплекс усадьбы Непомилуева застраивался постепенно, начиная со 2-й половины XIX в. по конец XIX в. В этом случае традиционно принятая архитектурно-планировочная датировка исследуемого памятника - конец XVIII - начало XIX в. (основанная на наличии таких архаичных черт, как высокий подклет, самцовая кровля, небольшие оконца и др.) - не является корректной. In this article carried the results of dendrochronological analysis of wood from Nepomiluyev's manor house. The investigated constructions were moved from the village Garmanka Bratsk district, Irkutsk region, restored by the architect G. G. Oranskaya and is now part of the complex of «village-malodvorka» architectural and ethnographic museum «Taltsy». Currently no reliable historical sources reflecting time of construction of the Nepomiluyev's manor house. According to the architectural and planning assessment (based on the presence of archaic features such as a high basement, small window, etc), study abroad monument dates back to XVIII-XIX centuries. In order to clarify the time of construction of the monument during the field works in 2008 from the estate buildings have been selected 29 cores. After performing standard procedures for processing and measurement of them were built by the relative chronology. Generalized series of annual growth rings on each object Nepomiluev's manor house were cross-dated using a network of tree-ring chronologies constructed from living trees to the north-western districts of the Irkutsk region. The analysis showed that 3 out of 4 generalized series of buildings showed the closest relationship with the tree-ring chronology, located in the Bratsk. Coefficient of correlation for p 0,95 were as follows: for the house - 0.45 (on a period of overlap from 1694 to 1853), to the hayloft - 0.42 (for the period covering 1741 to 1899) for a bath - 0.44 (on a period of overlap from 1671 to 1866). Generalized chronology, based on samples from the barn showed the most significant association with a site located south of city Ust-Ilimsk, the coefficient of correlation between them was 0.28 with p 0.95. As a result of the dendrochronological analysis all studied constructions of the of Nepomiluyev's manor house were dated. According to the dates, the wood used for the construction of the Nepomiluev's manor house (lack of subcrustal rings) was harvested no earlier than 1853; construction of the hayloft Nepomiluev's manor house falls at the end of the ninetienth the XIX century. - The beginning of the first decade of the XX century; the construction of a bath was carried out not earlier than 1866 of the XIX century; time of construction of a barn coincides with bath construction - the beginning of the seventieth of the XIX century. Interesting there is that fact that logs for these constructions were, probably felled in different territories. Thus, the received dates of wood showed that the complex of the Nepomiluyev's manor house was built up gradually, since the second half of the XIX century on the end of the XIX century. In this case, the traditionally accepted dating of the architectural and planning study of the monument end of XVIII and beginning of the XIX centuries (based on the presence of archaic features such as a high basement, small window, etc) isn't correct.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. История

Выпуск журнала: 4

Номера страниц: 49-52

ISSN журнала: 19988613

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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