Development of procedure for determining optimal diameter of wellhead nozzle [РАЗРАБОТКА МЕТОДИКИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО ДИАМЕТРА УСТЬЕВОГО ШТУЦЕРА] | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Development of procedure for determining optimal diameter of wellhead nozzle [РАЗРАБОТКА МЕТОДИКИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО ДИАМЕТРА УСТЬЕВОГО ШТУЦЕРА]

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2021

Идентификатор DOI: 10.18799/24131830/2021/11/3209

Ключевые слова: automation, formation, nozzle, optimization technique, well

Аннотация: Relevance. Inefficient management of the production system leads to increased losses of reservoir energy in all elements of this system due to the formation of sand and hydrate plugs, limited rates of pumped flow and other complications. The existing production system requires very precise adjustment of the nozzle diameter using automation tools. In most fields of the Russian Federation, wells are not equipped with full-fledged telemechanics, which significantly limits the ability to manage and control them. The purpose of the research is to develop a method for determining the optimal diameter of the nozzle for automatic control of the flow of working agent based on theoretical studies of the «formation-well-nozzle» system. Methods: comparative analysis, system approach, mathematical modeling. Results. The mathematical model of the multiphase filtration through the nozzle was investigated and as a result, the dependence of the outflow coefficient on the diameter of the nozzle, the fluid flow rate, the pressure to the nozzle and the water content of the liquid was obtained. In addition, the authors have constructed adjustment curves describing the effect of the nozzle diameter on the fluid flow rate, pressure to the nozzle, and liquid watering. It was found that the diameter of the nozzle can act as a key parameter most affecting the ability to control the downhole system with a computer program. The expiration factor can be used in operation of the computer program as the main objective function, which ensures fulfillment of conditions of well operation setting to normal mode. The paper introduces the method of control of well system, which includes mathematical model of multiphase filtration through nozzle and algorithm of operation of control program, which provides for increase of speed and accuracy of adjustment of nozzle diameter during long-term operation of well taking into account the change of filtration pattern of flow in drained volume of formation and disturbances in well itself or equipment installed in it. Use of the developed well control system will allow optimizing its productivity due to automatic assembly, self-adjustment for wear and self-cleaning of the nozzle from paraffin and hydrate plugs, as well as reducing the probability of freezing and removal of mechanical impurities. During the operation of the developed well control system, the flow aggregation should ensure the maintenance of a constant optimal value of depression on the formation, an increase in the period of well runoff and a decrease in the negative effect of the gas factor. © 2021 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Publishing House. All rights reserved. Relevance. Inefficient management of the production system leads to increased losses of reservoir energy in all elements of this system due to the formation of sand and hydrate plugs, limited rates of pumped flow and other complications. The existing production system requires very precise adjustment of the nozzle diameter using automation tools. In most fields of the Russian Federation, wells are not equipped with full-fledged telemechanics, which significantly limits the ability to manage and control them. The purpose of the research is to develop a method for determining the optimal diameter of the nozzle for automatic control of the flow of working agent based on theoretical studies of the formation-well-nozzle system. Methods: comparative analysis, system approach, mathematical modeling. Results. The mathematical model of the multiphase filtration through the nozzle was investigated and as a result, the dependence of the outflow coefficient on the diameter of the nozzle, the fluid flow rate, the pressure to the nozzle and the water content of the liquid was obtained. In addition, the authors have constructed adjustment curves describing the effect of the nozzle diameter on the fluid flow rate, pressure to the nozzle, and liquid watering. It was found that the diameter of the nozzle can act as a key parameter most affecting the ability to control the downhole system with a computer program. The expiration factor can be used in operation of the computer program as the main objective function, which ensures fulfillment of conditions of well operation setting to normal mode. The paper introduces the method of control of well system, which includes mathematical model of multiphase filtration through nozzle and algorithm of operation of control program, which provides for increase of speed and accuracy of adjustment of nozzle diameter during long-term operation of well taking into account the change of filtration pattern of flow in drained volume of formation and disturbances in well itself or equipment installed in it. Use of the developed well control system will allow optimizing its productivity due to automatic assembly, self-adjustment for wear and self-cleaning of the nozzle from paraffin and hydrate plugs, as well as reducing the probability of freezing and removal of mechanical impurities. During the operation of the developed well control system, the flow aggregation should ensure the maintenance of a constant optimal value of depression on the formation, an increase in the period of well runoff and a decrease in the negative effect of the gas factor.

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Журнал: Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 332, Is. 11

Номера страниц: 189-199

ISSN журнала: 25001019

Издатель: Tomsk Polytechnic University, Publishing House


  • Azeev A.A. (Siberian Federal University, 82, Svobodny avenue, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation)
  • Kvesko N.G. (Siberian Federal University, 82, Svobodny avenue, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation)
  • Podolyako D.S. (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30, Lenin avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation)

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