Идиоглосса крестьянин в дискурсе В.П. Астафьева | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Идиоглосса крестьянин в дискурсе В.П. Астафьева

Перевод названия: Idiogloss peasant in V.P. Astafiev''s discourse

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2014

Ключевые слова: semantics, component analysis, language personality, peasant, V.P. Astafiev, idiogloss, author''s worldview, идиоглосса, авторская картина мира, семантика, компонентный анализ, языковая личность, крестьянин, В.П. Астафьев

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается семантика идиоглоссы «крестьянин» в дискурсе В.П. Астафьева. Выделяются и сопоставляются два её значения, доказывается важность семантического анализа для реконструкции авторской картины мира. Особое внимание уделяется таким смысловым признакам, как «внутренний облик человека» и «отношение говорящего к данному человеку». Исследование проводится с позиций семантической лингвоперсонологии на материале ключевых произведений В.П. Астафьева: книг «Последний поклон», «Царь-рыба», «Затеси» и романа «Прокляты и убиты». The article is devoted to the worldview of Victor Petrovich Astafiev and the meaning of the word "peasant" in his books: "Tsar-fish", "The last bow", "Are damned and killed", "Zatesi". Semantic lin-guopersonology is the theoretical base in this article. The author of the article uses the concept "idiogloss" which was offered by Yu.N. Karaulov. Idiogloss is a lexical unit which reflects the main ideas of the author and expresses the specifics of his language and style. The word "peasant" is the idiogloss in V.P. Astafiev's discourse, because the theme of destruction of the peasantry is one of the most important in his prose. The research has shown that the idiogloss "peasant" has two main meanings in the prose of V.P. Astafiev. Peasant 1 - 'villager, he has a house, land, he works, cultivates land'. Peasant 2 - 'person who belonged to peasantry, to social class which was destroyed by the Soviet power during collectivization'. Each of these meanings has some semantic features the word acquired in the context of V.P. Astafiev's prose. The research has shown that Peasant 1 and Peasant 2 differ in the semantic feature 'the internal guise of a person'. The balanced, solid, sure, reliable, wise Peasant 1 differs from the patient, obedient Peasant 2 who is not able to think. Certainly, it is not possible to distinguish distinctly the two meanings of the word "peasant" in all contexts, in certain cases they are combined. The word "peasant" is the name of the concept which possesses the equivocation function. In the unequivocal world there is no place for unambiguity, categori-calness and limitation. The research has shown that the function of equivocation also explains the dual attitude of the author towards peasants. On the one hand, he sympathizes with them, feels sorry for them, emphasizes their innocence. On the other hand, humility, patience of peasants revolt him. The analysis of the meaning of the word by Russian explanatory dictionaries has shown that D.N. Ushakov's dictionary contains an interpretation closest to Astafiev's understanding. D.N. Usha-kov's dictionary reflects the same time as in V.P. Astafiev's books. The interpretation based on the understanding of peasant in K. Marx's works contains a semantic feature 'owns means of production'. The dictionary article contains a hidden sense: peasants as a social class disappear in the capitalist society and in the Soviet Union. V.P. Astafiev openly expressed this sense in his books.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология

Выпуск журнала: 4

Номера страниц: 5-16

ISSN журнала: 19986645

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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