PGE-(REE-Ti)-Rich Micrometer-Sized Inclusions, Mineral Associations, Compositional Variations, and a Potential Lode Source of Platinum-Group Minerals in the Sisim Placer Zone, Eastern Sayans, Russia : сборник научных трудов | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

PGE-(REE-Ti)-Rich Micrometer-Sized Inclusions, Mineral Associations, Compositional Variations, and a Potential Lode Source of Platinum-Group Minerals in the Sisim Placer Zone, Eastern Sayans, Russia : сборник научных трудов

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2018

Идентификатор DOI: 10.3390/min8050181

Ключевые слова: platinum-group elements, platinum-group minerals, PGE alloys, chromian spinel, schemes of substitution, Ti- and REE-rich inclusions, Sisim placer zone, Lysanskiy complex, Eastern Sayans, Russia

Аннотация: We report the results of a mineralogical investigation of placer samples from the upper reaches of the Sisim watershed, near Krasnoyarsk, in Eastern Sayans, Russia. The placer grains are predominantly Os-Ir-(Ru) alloys (80%) that host various inclusions (i.e., platinum-group elements (PGE)-rich monosulfide, PGE-rich pentlandite, Ni-Fe-(As)-rich laurite, etc.) and subordinate amounts of Pt-Fe alloys. Analytical data (wavelength- and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) are presented for all the alloy minerals and the suite of micrometer-sized inclusions that they contain, as well as associated grains of chromian spinel. The assemblage was likely derived from chromitite units of the Lysanskiy mafic-ultramafic complex, noted for its Ti-(V) mineralization. In the Os-Ir-(Ru) alloys, the ratio Ru/Ir is 2Os. In contrast, in the laurite-erlichmanite series, Ir and Os are strongly and positively correlated, whereas Ir and Ru are negatively correlated; Ru and Os are inversely correlated. These compositions point to the scheme [Os2+ + 2Ir(3+) + rectangle] -> 4Ru(2+) or alternatively, to Os2+ + Ir2+ -> 2Ru(2+). We deduce a potential sequence of crystallization in the parental rock and address the effects of decreasing temperature and increasing fugacity of sulfur and arsenic on the assemblage. Inclusions of Ti-rich minerals in the alloy grains are consistent with the Lysanskiy setting; the complete spectrum of chromite-magnesiochromite compositions indicates that an important part of that complex was eroded. A localized fluid-dominated micro-environment produced the unique association of laurite with monazite-(Ce), again considered a reflection of the special attributes of the Lysanskiy complex.

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 8, Is. 5

Номера страниц: 181

ISSN журнала: 2075163X

Место издания: BASEL

Издатель: MDPI


  • Barkov Andrei Y. (Cherepovets State Univ, Res Lab Ind & Ore Mineral, 5 Lunacharsky Ave, Cherepovets 162600, Russia)
  • Shvedov Gennadiy I. (Siberian Fed Univ, Inst Min Geol & Geotechnol, 95 Ave Prospekt Im Gazety Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy, Krasnoyarsk 660025, Russia)
  • Martin Robert F. (McGill Univ, Dept Earth & Planetary Sci, 3450 Univ St, Montreal, PQ H3A 0E8, Canada)

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