Teaching Adults: Learning Languages in the Pandemic Span | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Teaching Adults: Learning Languages in the Pandemic Span

Тип публикации: научное издание

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-98566-0_7

Ключевые слова: language learning, adult learners, challenges, facilitating learning, service learning, international cooperation, international ranking, Caution stream, Cushion grid

Аннотация: All over the world the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the urgent transfer to distance education or blended learning in various educational establishments. As a result of such consequences of the governments' requirements to prevent the virus spreading those of isolation, social distancing and quarantine, both students and academicians unexpectedly and instantly were forced to switch to distance education within days. Based on the changes, the present study is to analyze the challenges adult learners face and to offer ways to meet them, as well as to devise and develop measures providing language promotion sustainability in the pandemic. These measures are referred to in the present study as a cushion grid could serve as an imperative of the pandemic span style (a teaching style which is seen by the authors as an umbrella term for methods and approaches used for distant teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic) in teaching adult learners. The study is based on analysing the variables producing e-learning satisfaction among the adult learners of the UNICO Language Centre of Siberian Federal University. The Centre was established on the TEMPUS (Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Studies) programme which encourages higher education institutions in the EU Member States and partner countries to engage in structured cooperation to implement Joint European Projects (JEPs) with a clear set of objectives. On completion of the project activities the UNICO (University-Career-Opportunities) Centre was transformed into a sustainable educational establishment where the adult learners could take a non-formal course of studies. The study group included 92 learners of the UNICO Language Centre of Siberian Federal University. The results demonstrated two learning imperatives: those of the social and the linguistic one.

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Журнал: Adult English Language Teaching

Выпуск журнала: Volume 29

Номера страниц: 125-143

Место издания: Cham


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