Researching the efficiency of configurations of a collective decision-making system on the basis of fuzzy logic : доклад, тезисы доклада | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Researching the efficiency of configurations of a collective decision-making system on the basis of fuzzy logic : доклад, тезисы доклада

Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, IJCCI 2020; Virtual, Online; Virtual, Online

Год издания: 2020

Ключевые слова: Collective decision-making system, ensemble, evolutionary algorithm, Fuzzy rule-based systems, parameter optimization, regression problem, The problem of restoring the cryolite ratio

Аннотация: Collective decision-making systems (or ensembles) based on fuzzy logic have proven their effectiveness in a number of test and practical tasks. However, the problem of configuring the system and forming the main operators remains unsolved. In this paper is a study of the effectiveness of different sequences of applying optimization procedures for the formation of the main operators of a collective decision-making system based on fuzzy logic. The effectiveness of tuning schemes for a collective decision-making system is investigated using the problem of restoring the cryolite ratio and the content of calcium and magnesium fluorides. It is shown in the research that an effective choice of the sequence of applying optimization procedures for tuning and forming the main operators can significantly increase the overall efficiency of the system.

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Журнал: IJCCI 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence

Номера страниц: 277-285


  • Polyakova A. (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology)
  • Leonid L. (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology)
  • Semenkin E. (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology)

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