Personality oriented system of strengthening of students' physical, psychic and social-moral health : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Personality oriented system of strengthening of students' physical, psychic and social-moral health : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2016

Идентификатор DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0306

Ключевые слова: health, physical culture, physical training, psycho-regulation, breathing gymnastic

Аннотация: Purpose: to work out content of individualized trainings, permitting to correct deviations in different aspects of physical, psychic and social-moral health of higher educational establishments' students. Material: in experiment 105 boy students of 20-24 years' age participated. All students gave conscious consent to participate in experiment. The trainings were practiced 4 times a week, 45 minutes each. Results: it is interesting that change of different personality's features is rather long process, which in some aspects resist to changes. We showed approaches to training vitally important skills and abilities, required for adaptation to modern social cultural medium; to the simplest techniques of organization of independent health related physical culture trainings; to means of health strengthening, formation of knowledge on health related physical culture. We developed personality-oriented system of formation of psychic and social-moral health. Conclusions: the worked out approach permits to achieve real positive psychic and socially important qualities of student's personality during one academic year.

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Журнал: Physical Education of Students

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 20, Is. 3

Номера страниц: 43-52

ISSN журнала: 20755279

Место издания: KHARKOV



  • Kudryavtsev M.D. (Siberian Fed Univ SibFU, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660014, Russia; Siberian State Aerosp Univ, Off A-406,31 Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Ave, Krasnoyarsk 660014, Russia)
  • Kopylov Yu. A. (Fed State Sci Inst Russian Acad Educ, Inst Age Physiol, Pogodinskaya St,8 K 2, Moscow 119121, Russia)
  • Kuzmin V.A. (Siberian Fed Univ SibFU, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660014, Russia)
  • Ionova O.M. (HS Skovoroda Kharkiv Natl Pedag Univ, Artema Str 29, UA-61002 Kharkov, Ukraine)
  • Yermakova T.S. (HS Skovoroda Kharkiv Natl Pedag Univ, Artema Str 29, UA-61002 Kharkov, Ukraine)

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