Религиозный экстремизм как форма девиантного поведения: социально-философский анализ : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Религиозный экстремизм как форма девиантного поведения: социально-философский анализ : научное издание

Перевод названия: Religious Extremism as a Form of Deviant Behavior: A Socio-Philosophical Analysis

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2019

Ключевые слова: ДевиантностЬ, девиантное поведение, религиозный экстремизм, радикализация, насильственный экстремизм, социальная девиация, deviance, deviant behavior, religious extremism, radicalization, violent extremism, social deviation

Аннотация: Обосновывается эффективность исследования религиозного экстремизма как формы негативного девиантного поведения, классифицируемой в качестве противоправной деятельности. Социально-философская интерпретация экстремизма как социокультурного и политического конструкта позволяет выявить принципы его формирования и механизмы функционирования. Анализируются общее и особенное религиозных групп и религиозных экстремистских организаций, социальных отклонений и проявлений экстремизма. The article substantiates the effectiveness of the study of the religious extremism essence by deviantology approaches to the offenses and immoral acts study. The results can contribute to the optimization of countermeasures. The aim of the study is to consider religious extremism as a form of negative deviant behavior. The research methodology is based on the postmodern approach (Ya. Gilinsky, Yu. Komlev) of deviance as a social and cultural construct. The causes of extremism are considered within the framework of the functional approach, the cognitive and psychological prerequisites are conceived by the concepts of E. Smoleva and L. Agnati, and the determinism of extremism by social conditions by the concept of E. Yaroshevich. The analysis of the relationship of religious tradition and extremist manifestations is carried out on the basis of the ideas of M. Juergensmeyer and J. Beller. Extremism is a relative and conventional concept, expressing cultural, social and mental processes in a symbolic form; such processes are interpreted by society as causes of destructuration. Deviance is caused by cognitive systems' work, by mental states of people who are susceptible to certain ideas. Deviance is expressed in behavior that deviates from the prevailing social standards. The performed actions are perceived by society as a threat to their internal stability. Extremists' actions cause social tensions and lead to repressive measures of coercion by the state. This contributes to the radicalization of thinking, the group opposition to society and the external restriction of communication, which are intensified by the religious factor. The dichotomous position "We-They" acquires the extreme form "Friend-Foe". "We" are sacralized, and "They" are demonized. The socially negative consequences of religious extremists' behavior are determined by the attitude of the social environment, the system of interactions and the personal qualities of charismatic leaders. Violent religious extremism is understood as the result of the radicalization of a closed group, the ideology of which includes apocalyptic sentiments and the conviction of their direct participation in the space struggle, the opposition of good and evil. By referring to the sacred, extremists use violence in the fight against chaos. Extremist ideology includes eschatological sentiments and conviction in direct participation in the "cosmic war" of Good and Evil, the purpose of which is to establish the world order and resolve sociopolitical and economic problems as soon as possible. Declarations of exclusivity, references to the sacred, the integration of followers and other organizational features are not unique to religious extremist organizations. They are peculiar to any religious associations. The status of an "extremist organization" is determined by the current laws, by the purpose of activities that are different from the religious tradition and have a political orientation, and by destructive consequences for society.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 445

Номера страниц: 48-57

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"


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