"An Attractive Idea of Parochial Boards of Trustees..." (based on the documents from Eastern Siberian dioceses dated 1914-1917) | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

"An Attractive Idea of Parochial Boards of Trustees..." (based on the documents from Eastern Siberian dioceses dated 1914-1917)

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2016

Ключевые слова: eastern Siberia, Irkutsk diocese, Yenisseysk diocese, Zabaikalsk diocese, RUSSIAN Orthodox Church, parish, parochial board of trustees, social assistance, World War I

Аннотация: The article is based on research literature and published sources and it reveals charity work of parochial boards of trustees in the beginning of the XXth century. The historical analysis is limited by Eastern Siberia, serving as an example of religious aspect of civic activity genesis in pre-revolutionary Russia. The importance of parochial boards of trustees in material and non-material support to soldiers and their families during World War I is described. The factors that reduced the opportunities of parochial boards of trustees are emphasized in the evaluation of useful and necessary function of the boards. The following conclusion is drawn: different conditions in which the activity of this or that board of trustees developed influenced the differences in budgets and measures of support they gave.

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Журнал: Былые годы. Российский исторический журнал

Выпуск журнала: 42

Номера страниц: 1346-1352

ISSN журнала: 20739745

Место издания: Сочи

Издатель: федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Сочинский государственный университет"


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