Optical and X-ray Diffraction Studies of the Symmetry of Distorted Phases of the (NH4)(3)ZrF7 Crystal | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Optical and X-ray Diffraction Studies of the Symmetry of Distorted Phases of the (NH4)(3)ZrF7 Crystal

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2008

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1134/S1063783408100272

Аннотация: (NH4)(3)ZrF7 single crystals were grown, and polarization-optical and x-ray diffraction studies were performed on powders and crystalline plates of various cuts over a wide temperature range. Phase transitions are revealed at temperatures T-1 up arrow = 280 K, T-2 up arrow = 279.6 K, T-3 up arrow = 260-265 K, and T-4 up arrow = 238 K on heating and at T-1 down arrow = 280 K, T-2 down arrow = 269-270 K, T-3 down arrow = 246 K, and T-4 down arrow = 235 K on cooling. The sequence of changes in symmetry is established to be as follows: O-h(5) (Z = 4) D-2h(25) (Z = 2) C-2h(3) (Z = 2) C-i(1) (Z = 108) monoclinic(2) (Z = 216).

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 50, Is. 10

Номера страниц: 1951-1956

ISSN журнала: 10637834

Место издания: NEW YORK



  • Misyul S.V. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Mel'Nikova S.V. (Kirensky Institute of Physics,Siberian Division,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Bovina A.F. (Kirensky Institute of Physics,Siberian Division,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Laptash N.M. (Institute of Chemistry,Far East Division,Russian Academy of Sciences)

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