Пространственно-архитектурное наследие окраинных поясов Енисейска в контексте развития культурного туризма : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Пространственно-архитектурное наследие окраинных поясов Енисейска в контексте развития культурного туризма : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2017

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/22220836/27/20

Ключевые слова: окраинный пояс, городская застройка, инфраструктура, Fringe belt, urban development, infrastructure

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрены особенности формирования окраинных поясов сибирского города Енисейска: виды, основные периоды развития, современное состояние. Особое внимание уделено внутреннему окраинному поясу, расположенному на границе исторического ядра города и содержащему большое количество объектов культурного наследия, особенностям природного ландшафта. Авторы рассматривают окраинный пояс как потенциальную территорию для развития системы общественно-рекреационных пространств и туристической инфраструктуры Енисейска и предлагают свою концепциюразвития данной территории. The article presents the results of research and analytical work of applied significance, on the development conception of Yeniseysk fringe belts in the context of cultural tourism. To this end, the author examines the history and features of the formation of fringe belts in Yeniseisk and analyzes their contemporary state. There has been a gradual development of three belts parallel to the Yeniseysk town formation: inner belt (XVIII c.), mid belt (since XVIII), and outer belt that today is considered "nominal boundary" of the town. Initially, the inner fringe belt had begun forming in the XVII century around the malyiy ostrog (small prison), but was lost in the process of town development. Thus, currently, the belt dating back to the XVIII century should be considered the inner fringe belt, which is formed by following streets: Fefelova, Dudareva, Joffe, partially Gor'kogo and Raboche-krestyanskaya, as well as Melnichnaya river channel. The inner fringe belt is located on the edge of the historic core and includes 30 objects of cultural heritage. Therefore, it poses a greatest interest for research. The study of the inner fringe was carried out in three stages. The first stage analyzed the functionality of the main buildings of the inner fringe belt of Yeniseysk town since the XVII century. Basically, the analysis was conducted using historical background of the annotated list of monuments and sites of the town, as well as the information from websites, dedicated to the architectural heritage of Yeniseysk. It was concluded that during the Soviet regime almost all of the churches were either destroyed or not serving its original purpose. Currently, some of the objects that were previously inhabited now serve social and business purpose. Among the regional significance objects of cultural heritage there is a mass grave containing the remains of 242 active participants Yeneseisko-Maklakovskoye uprising. After that, field surveys and topographical analysis of the territory were conducted, which resulted in the inventory tables for tree plantations, walkways cover, paths, and squares. A conclusion has been made regarding the general condition of vegetation and elements of street design. All territories of the inner belt may serve as tourist routes of different directions that can be individually thought out in advance, through the use of a specially designed on-line questionnaire. As an example, the author proposes a tour-route around the places of worship, which covers most of the religious buildings in Yeniseysk. In the context of the development of cultural tourism, inner fringe belt can be considered a potential area for placement of tourist infrastructure objects, forming a system of social and recreational spaces. It may consist of small gardens and greened areas of different purposes, equipped with media products, designed to emphasize the functional purpose of the object, tell about the natural features of the place, and promote the history and culture of the Siberian town.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Культурология и искусствоведение

Выпуск журнала: 27

Номера страниц: 220-228

ISSN журнала: 22220836

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"


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