Effects of redistribution of x- and ?-radiation doses in tissues at the boundary with bone and metals | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Effects of redistribution of x- and ?-radiation doses in tissues at the boundary with bone and metals

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 1981

Ключевые слова: radioisotope, animal experiment, bone, computer, computer analysis, dosimetry, gamma radiation, methodology, muscle, soft tissue, X ray, animal, article, bone marrow, human, mathematics, radiation dose, radiation exposure, radiation protection, Bone and Bones, Gamma Rays, Muscles, Radiation Dosage, X-Rays

Аннотация: Using the computer program 'Dose-2' the author calculated the absorbed dose of ?-quanta (10 to 1500 keV) in the muscular tissue at the boundary with bone and different metal plates.

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Журнал: Radiobiologiya

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 21, Is. 4

Номера страниц: 611-615


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