Digital experiment as a method for improving the mechanical properties of Hadfield steel | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Digital experiment as a method for improving the mechanical properties of Hadfield steel

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17580/chm.2022.10.08

Ключевые слова: alloying, austenite, chemical composition, desirability function, hadfield steel, impact hardness, poligonsoft, response surface methodology

Аннотация: This study is devoted to determining the optimal composition of high-manganese austenitic Hadfield steel for producing castings with increased impact strength and hardness relative to the standard grade. The chemical composition of the steel was modified in terms of expanding the range of Mn content (12–19 %). The effect of combined doping with a complex of elements Cr, Mo, Ni is considered. Preliminary computer modeling and porosity analysis of the cast billets was carried out to determine the place of cutout of representative samples needed to evaluate the actual chemical composition and mechanical properties. Statistical analysis of the obtained results on the content of elements and impact strength of the samples was performed using the desirability function. Further optimization of the model was carried out using the response surface methodology. Based on the analysis of pairwise interactions, two experimental compositions of the Hadfield steel are proposed. A comparison of grade 110G13L with the proposed compositions based on the level of mechanical properties and grain score by microstructure is given. It is concluded that it is promising to further use the proposed Fe–1.1C–16Mn–0.8Si–1.3Cr–Ni–Mo composition, which can improve the reliability of castings operating under conditions of significant wear. © 2022, Ore and Metals Publishing house. All rights reserved.

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Журнал: Chernye Metally

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 2022, Is. 10

Номера страниц: 45-51

ISSN журнала: 01320890

Издатель: Ore and Metals Publishing house


  • Arapov S.L. (Engineering Construction Maintenance Ltd., Achinsk, Russian Federation)
  • Belyaev S.V. (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
  • Kosovich A.A. (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
  • Partyko E.G. (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)

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