Composition of high-calcium fly ash middlings selectively sampled from ash collection facility and prospect of their utilization as component of cementing materials | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Composition of high-calcium fly ash middlings selectively sampled from ash collection facility and prospect of their utilization as component of cementing materials

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2010

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2010.01.003

Ключевые слова: Fly ash, Middlings, Dispersity, Composition, Cementing properties, Brown coal, Cementing material, Classification system, Coal-fired power plant, Equilibrium phasis, High-calcium fly ash, Kansk-Achinsk basins, Sulfoaluminate cement, Aluminosilicates, Calcium, Calcium alloys, Cementing (shafts), Coal, Coal industry, Coal mines, Electrostatic precipitators, Electrostatic separators, Electrostatics, Fossil fuel power plants, Mining, Phase composition, Portland cement, Silicon compounds, Coal ash

Аннотация: High-calcium fly ash middlings of brown coal of B2 (sub C) rank from the Berezovsky coal mine within the Kansk-Achinsk Basin were studied. The middlings were selectively sampled from the convection pass, the fore-hearth and each of the 4 fields of the electrostatic precipitator at the coal-fired power plant BSDPS-1. The differences of the dispersity, the chemical and mineral-phase composition and the cementing properties of these middlings, as well as the types in the ash classification system were determined. Within the ternary CaO-SiO(2)-Al(2)O(3) diagram, the equilibrium phases composition of the aluminosilicate constituent of middlings and the pozzolanic capacities of glasses of this system were analyzed and compared with the actual phase composition. It was concluded that the fly ash middlings of the 4 fields of the electrostatic precipitator have the best prospect of utilization as component of cementing materials including portland cement and belite-sulfoaluminate cement. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 91, Is. 6

Номера страниц: 573-581

ISSN журнала: 03783820

Место издания: AMSTERDAM



  • Sharonova O.M. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,Siberian Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Solovyov L.A. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,Siberian Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Yumashev V.V. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,Siberian Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Anshits A.G. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Oreshkina N.A. (Siberian Federal University)

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