Closed cycle MHD generator with nonuniform gas-plasma flow driving recombinated plasma clots formed by high-energy electron beams | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Closed cycle MHD generator with nonuniform gas-plasma flow driving recombinated plasma clots formed by high-energy electron beams

Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Год издания: 1996

Ключевые слова: Electric currents, Electric heating, Electron beams, Energy dissipation, Helium, Magnetic fields, Magnetohydrodynamics, Plasma density, Supersonic flow, Thermodynamic stability, Faraday current, High energy electron beams, Joule heating, Magnetohydrodynamic generator, Overheating instability, Plasma clots, Plasma flow

Аннотация: A new concept of a closed cycle MHD generator without alcali seed has been suggested. The essence of it is the use of the high-energy electron beams technology for a nonuniform gas-plasma flow in MHD channel creation. At the inlet of MHD channel in supersonic flow of noble gas (He) plasma clots with a density about 1015cm-3 are formed by pulsed intense electron beams with energy about 100 keV. Gas flow drives these clots in a cross magnetic field along the MHD channel which has electrodes connected with a load by Faraday's scheme. Because the nonuniform gas-plasma flow does not have the conductivity in the Hall's EMF direction a Faraday's current can flow only through the narrow plasma layers. The energy dissipation and Joule's heating in MHD channel support the nonequilibrium conductivity in these plasma layers.

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Журнал: IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

Номера страниц: 204


  • Danilov V.V. (Krasnoyarsk State Univ)
  • Laptev S.S. (Krasnoyarsk State Univ)
  • Slavin V.S. (Krasnoyarsk State Univ)

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