Профессиональная языковая картина мира как объект исследования в терминоведении и в лингвистике LSP : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Профессиональная языковая картина мира как объект исследования в терминоведении и в лингвистике LSP : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2023

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/15617793/488/12

Ключевые слова: linguoculturological direction of terminology, professional picture of world, language professional picture of world, informeme, professional concept, term, professionalism, functions of professional language picture of world, typology of professional language pictures of world, лингвокультурологическое направление терминоведения, профессиональная картина мира, языковая профессиональная картина мира, информема, профессиональный концепт, термин, профессионализм, функции профессиональной языковой картины мира, типология профессиональных языковых картин мира

Аннотация: Рассматривается феномен профессиональной языковой картины мира. Сопоставляются когнитивно-дискурсивный и семантический подходы к ее изучению, выделяются базовые единицы и функции. Намечаются перспективы дальнейшего изучения профессиональной языковой картины мира в рамках формирующихся лингвокультурологических направлений терминоведения и теории языков для специальных целей. The objectives of this article include a review of the works of Russian authors on the problems of professional linguistic world view, the identification of its lingua-cognitive essence against the background of related phenomena, the establishment of the basic units and functions, the typology of the professional linguistic world view. Linguistic material was systematized and interpreted using the method of linguistic description. Studies of the professional world view and the professional linguistic world view are among the priority tasks of the emerging lingua-cultural trends in terminology science and LSP linguistics. In contemporary Russian linguistics, there is no unity of views on the professional world view's essence and the professional linguistic world view. Some researchers believe that the professional world view is a kind of a world view. The professional linguistic world view is one of the variants of the national linguistic world view. Another perspective on the professional world view is to consider it as a kind of a scientific one. When studying the essence of a professional linguistic world view and performing a practical analysis of its units, cognitive-discursive and theoretical-comparative approaches prevail in terminology science. A semantic approach prevails in LSP linguistics. Professional linguistic world view units are names of professional concepts, i.e., all unique names, first of all, terms, and their stylistic synonyms, professionalisms, and professional jargon. Unofficial, stylistically marked, unique names evaluate and characterize, which are not functions of the high register units of the professional sublanguage, i.e., terms, prototerms, terminonyms (eponyms), nomens. The main elements of the professional linguistic world view are informemes, i.e., some informational integrities. The professional world view is presented in the professional language and in the technology of things, the ways of carrying out activities, social and cultural stereotypes in the behavior of people of diverse backgrounds, official etiquette. The professional linguistic world view, being a kind of a linguistic world view, performs the same interpretive, regulatory, heuristic, social, and index functions. Professional linguistic world views are differentiated according to some characteristics. Various types of professional linguistic world views are distinguished, with each type additionally including many varieties, depending on a specific field of science, technology or production.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 488

Номера страниц: 120-126

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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