Mediation in Education for Harmonization of International Relations in a Multicultural Environment of Krasnoyarsk Region : доклад, тезисы доклада | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Mediation in Education for Harmonization of International Relations in a Multicultural Environment of Krasnoyarsk Region : доклад, тезисы доклада

Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE)

Год издания: 2019

Идентификатор DOI: 10.3897/ap.1.e1154

Ключевые слова: mediation; multicultural environment; conflict resolution; interethnic relations; intercultural mediator; competency

Аннотация: Development of mediation practices for resolving interethnic conflicts in a multicultural educational environment is actual due to the globalization and expansion of migration flows. The paper is aimed at the analysis of challenges of interethnic relations in a multicultural environment of the Krasnoyarsk Region and the empirical research of mediation practices development in the field of education to resolve conflicts between the actors of the education process, including intercultural conflicts. Based on the content analysis of the Krasnoyarsk schools reporting documents on mediation procedures, the problematic aspects of the introduction of mediation in the multicultural educational environment of the region were characterized. The deficiencies of teacher education in terms of development of migration processes in Russia were indentified, among which the most acute is shortage of mediation techniques use for prevention and resolution of intercultural conflicts at all levels of education due to the lack of mediation specialists and practitioners. The survey on the didactic components of the mediation competence was carried out. The article presents the analysis on the key professional competencies, obtained from the expert survey of practicing mediators of Krasnoyarsk, in a comparative retrospective with similar international studies. The practical use of the study is in fostering the mediation practices implementation in the educational environment to resolve conflicts between the culturally diverse actors of educational process.

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Номера страниц: 1215-1227

Место издания: SOFIA



  • Smolyaninova Olga G. (Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Popova Julia V. (Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

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