Функциональная асимметрия как биологический феномен сопутствующий спортивному результату : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Функциональная асимметрия как биологический феномен сопутствующий спортивному результату : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2017

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/15617793/421/29

Ключевые слова: функциональная асимметрия, индивидуальный профиль асимметрии, сглаживание асимметрии, functional asymmetry, individual profile of asymmetry, smoothing of asymmetry, stabilization of motor skills, стабилизация двигательного навыка

Аннотация: Рассмотрена функциональная асимметрия человека как биологический феномен, сопутствующий спортивному результату, на основе известных в настоящее время литературных данных и собственных результатов исследований. В ходе проведенного обзора результатов исследований в некоторых видах спорта оценено влияние функциональной асимметрии на спортивный результат, освещены известные методики, методы и средства тренировок, учитывающие функциональную асимметрию. Также рассмотрено влияние функциональной асимметрии на состояние спортсмена в ходе многолетнего тренировочного процесса. Систематизированы латеральные предпочтения квалифицированных спортсменов для некоторых видов спорта. Рассмотрены и предложены подходы, учитывающие функциональную асимметрию в тренировочном процессе и позволяющие обеспечить долгосрочную устойчивую положительную динамику спортивного результата. In this paper, the functional asymmetry of a person is considered as a biological phenomenon accompanying an athletic performance based on the currently known literature data and the authors' research results. The main types of functional asymmetry are motor, sensory and psychic. Of particular interest is the motor asymmetry. In the course of the review of research results in some sports, the effect of the functional asymmetry on the athletic performance was assessed. There are works where one and the same sport is pointed out as having a positive influence of asymmetry by some authors, or as having a negative effect by others. In this regard, one and the same sport may have methods aimed at both smoothing asymmetry and the accentuated improvement of the strengths. The paper considers well-known techniques, methods and means of training which take into account functional asymmetry: local weights on the driven leg; load redistribution between limbs; static exercises; visual feedback; exercises from game sports; throwing of apparatuses at a given distance, height and accuracy. The influence of functional asymmetry on the athlete's condition during the long-term training process is considered. Asymmetry that has developed in the course of many years of training negatively affects the state of human health and is a cause of injuries. In this regard, the long-term training process should envision rehabilitation measures. The lateral preferences of qualified athletes for some sports are systematized. As a result of analyzing the lateral preferences of qualified athletes, it was revealed that the results of experiments on determining the leading / driven limb may differ among the researchers of one and the same sport. Approaches taking into account functional asymmetry in the training process and ensuring long-term stable positive dynamics of athletic performance are considered and proposed. As the athletic performance improves, stabilization of the athletes' individual profile of asymmetry (IPA) goes along with the development of a motor skill, and a stereotype of movements becomes fixed. The developed motor skills, which are generally a positive phenomenon, also have a negative effect on the athletic performance. Often, the formation of the movement stereotype and, accordingly, absence of the performance improvement occur during early specialization of young athletes performing the same kinds of work load in the course of long-term training. But since the IPA variability among children at an early age is higher than that of adults, it is necessary to take into account the asymmetric features of a person even at the initial stage of training athletes. This can prevent early formation of the skill and will provide an opportunity for improvement of the performance result. It can be concluded that functional asymmetry is a biological phenomenon due to which it is possible to avoid an early formation of motor skills.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 421

Номера страниц: 193-202

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"


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