Культурное наследие в цифровом пространстве : монография | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Культурное наследие в цифровом пространстве : монография

Тип публикации: монография

Год издания: 2021

Ключевые слова: cultural heritage, museum studies, museum informatics, museum communication, digital transformation, культурное наследие, музейные исследования, музейная информатика, музейная коммуникация, цифровая трансформация

Аннотация: Монография рассматривает актуальные юридические и правовые аспекты создания цифрового культурного наследия, семантические барьеры, связанные с использованием специальной терминологии, некоторые примеры создания музейных информационных систем с элементами дополненной реальности и перспективы дальнейшего развития технологий виртуальной реально сти в сфере культуры. Широкий охват источниковедческой базы и глубина обзоров позволяет использовать настоящее издание в качестве справочного пособия в вузах, проводящих обучение специалистов по направлениям «Бизнес-информатика», «Музейное дело и охрана памятников», «Прикладная информатика в области искусства и гуманитарных наук». A quarter of a century ago the digital cultural heritage was a term from science fiction. The discussions of the issue resulted in theoretical disputes and attempts to solve philosophical problems. The early years of the digital epoch were romantic and full of expectations. That experience was important because these pioneers designed the theory of the museum digital world. The virtual environment became not only a place for acquiring, but also for dissemination of new knowledge. Nowadays numerous projects related to the use of information and communication technologies in the field of culture have remained only in publications, the digital space is short-lived. Electronic resources belong to the field of intangible cultural heritage, even if they are stored on tangible media. Over time the paradigm of consumer culture was has been replaced by a participatory culture, Users moved from local information resources to the concept of Web 2.0. Employees of cultural institutions de facto found themselves on the place of users of those information resources that were prepared by themselves or by their colleagues. Thus we revealed a very important feature of the virtual environment—communication. The opportunity to communicate with the objects in a virtual museum as well as with other virtual visitors requires the serious technical support and interactive multiuser platforms. The latest events allow us to hope that the virtuality in the museum space will take the right place. The monograph examines the current legal aspects of creating electronic resources, semantic barriers associated with the use of special terminology, some examples of designing museum information systems with elements of augmented reality, and prospects for further development of virtual reality technologies in the field of culture from foreign and domestic practice. The wide coverage of the source base and the depth of the reviews allows us to use this publication as a reference guide, especially since nothing like this has been published in Russian literature. In the period of digital transformation, every cultural institution needs to take into account the experience accumulated by previous generations and focus on the methodological aspects of technological progress.

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Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

Издатель: Издательство Государственный Эрмитаж


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