Simulation of process rolling plates from alloy of al-mg system economically doped with scandium : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Simulation of process rolling plates from alloy of al-mg system economically doped with scandium : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2021

Ключевые слова: aluminum alloys, cold rolling, computer simulation, Economical alloying with scandium, Hot-rolled semi-finished product, mechanical properties, plates

Аннотация: The modes of hot and cold rolling of plates from an alloy of the Al-Mg system alloy, doped with scandium in the range of 0.10-0.12%, are modeled. At the first stage of work, using the DEFORM-3D software package, we simulated the process of hot sheet rolling at the Quarto 2800 mill, in order to obtain a billet for further cold rolling. Analysis of the simulation data showed that with the adopted compression mode, the metal forming and temperature conditions of rolling make it possible to obtain plates up to 45 mm thick, without defects, with rational power loading of the equipment. Further modeling of the regime of cold rolling of plates with a thickness of up to 31.5 mm showed that cold rolling can be carried out in 4 passes, provided that the stress and rolling force do not exceed the permissible values. At the second stage of work, we conducted an experimental verification of the obtained simulation results both in industrial and in laboratory conditions. It was found that the value of the total compression leading to the destruction of the samples, depending on the rolling conditions, should not exceed 21-30%. At this degree of deformation, the rolled metal from the alloy under study has high strength and plastic properties. Subsequent industrial verification of the research results confirmed that this alloy is quite advanced technologically, while it has high deformability, both during hot and cold rolling, which allows us to recommend it for sheet deformed semi-finished products in the manufacture of structural products for various purposes.

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Журнал: Solid State Phenomena

Выпуск журнала: Т.316 SSP

Номера страниц: 509-514

ISSN журнала: 16629779

Издатель: Trans Tech Publications Ltd


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