Modeling process of semi-continuous extrusion of hollow 6063 aluminum alloy profiles using qform extrusion : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Modeling process of semi-continuous extrusion of hollow 6063 aluminum alloy profiles using qform extrusion : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2021

Ключевые слова: aluminum alloys, Combined die, divider, Hollow profiles, modeling, QForm Extrusion, Semi-continuous extrusion

Аннотация: The results of modeling the process of semi-continuous extrusion of hollow profiles of aluminum alloy 6063 on horizontal hydraulic extruders are presented. By modeling with the help of the QForm Extrusion software package, the metal shaping and temperature conditions of this process were studied under given initial and boundary conditions. The authors investigated the various designs of sets of matrices and dividers and assessed the uneven velocity of the expiration of the elements of the profile and the temperature of the metal. Thanks to the gradual improvement of the design of the pressing tool, it was possible to achieve a uniform distribution of speeds and temperatures in the cross section of the profile. Industrial testing of the use of this tool for the manufacture of press products has shown that the proposed design methodology of using the QForm Extrusion software package can be successfully used to prepare the press production and can reduce the time required to master the technology of extruding aluminum alloy profiles.

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Журнал: Solid State Phenomena

Выпуск журнала: Т.316 SSP

Номера страниц: 288-294

ISSN журнала: 16629779

Издатель: Trans Tech Publications Ltd


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