Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2020

Идентификатор DOI: 10.14529/hsm200315

Ключевые слова: спирулина, витаминно-минеральный комплекс, изотонические спортивные напитки, физиологические нормы, суточная потребность, рецептуры, spirulina, vitamin and mineral complex, isotonic sports drinks, physiologicalnorms, daily demand, formulations, physiological norms

Аннотация: Цель. Разработка изотонических спортивных витаминно-минеральных напитков на основе спирулины, фруктов и сибирских ягод. Материалы и методы. Микроводоросль спирулина от производителя Royal Forest (ТУ 03.21.49-009-29903295-2017) приобреталась в специализированном магазине «Продукты здорового питания». Определение физико-химических показателей порошка спирулины проводили в соответствии с ГОСТ 31412-2010. Минеральный состав спирулины исследовали методом атомно-эмиссионной спектроскопии (АЭС) с использованием спектрометра Thermo Scientifici CaP-6500 DUO и программного пакета iTEVA. Определение содержания витаминов проводили в соответствии с ГОСТами и фармакопейными статьями. Направления создания изотонических витаминно-минеральных напитков с применением спирулины, фруктов и ягод формировали, опираясь на органолептические и дегустационные критерии. Результаты. С использованием АЭС определен минеральный состав спирулины от производителя Royal Forest и проведено соотнесение содержания макро- и микроэлементов в спирулине с физиологическими нормами удовлетворения суточной потребности взрослого человека. Показано, что микроводоросль является источником железа и меди - содержание данных минералов достигает в 100 г продукта 27,9 и 66,3 % удовлетворения рекомендуемой суточной нормы соответственно. При исследовании содержания витаминов установлено, что наилучшие показатели обеспечения суточной нормы витаминами демонстрируют тиамин и рибофлавин - 18,5 и 26,3 % соответственно. На основе органолептического дегустационного оценивания представлены рецептуры предназначенных для спортивного питания изотонических витаминно-минеральных напитков, полученных комбинированием спирулины, фруктов и ягод. Заключение. Показано, что изотонические витаминно-минеральные фруктово-ягодные напитки с применением спирулины содержат богатый витаминно-минеральный комплекс и характеризуются повышенной пищевой и биологической ценностью. Такие напитки можно рекомендовать для питания в экстремальных условиях функционирования организма, в том числе для спортивного питания, а также для более быстрого и качественного восстановления после тяжёлых физических нагрузок. Aim. The paper is aimed at developing isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks with spirulina, fruits and Siberian berries. Materials and Methods. Spirulina microalgae (Royal Forest, TU 03.21.49-009-29903295-2017) was purchased at the Healthy Food Products specialized store. The physicochemical parameters of spirulina powder were determined in accordance with GOST 31412-2010. The mineral composition of spirulina was studied by atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) using the Thermo Scientific iCaP-6500 DUO spectrometer and the iTEVA software package. The determination of vitamin content was carried out in accordance with GOST and pharmacopoeial standards. Directions for creating isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks with spirulina, fruits and berries were determined based on organoleptic criteria. Results. The mineral composition of spirulina (Royal Forest) was determined, and the content of macro- and microelements in spirulina was correlated with physiological norms for satisfying daily demand of an adult. It is shown that microalgae are a source of iron and copper as the content of these minerals in 100 g of the product reaches 27.9 and 66.3 % of recommended daily intake, respectively. When studying the content of vitamins, it was found that thiamine and riboflavin showed the best indicators of ensuring daily demand of vitamins - 18.5 and 26.3 %, respectively. Based on the assessment of organoleptic properties, the recipes for isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks made of spirulina, fruits and berries are presented. Conclusion. It is shown that isotonic vitamin and mineral fruit and berry drinks with spirulina contain a vitamin-mineral complex and are characterized by increased nutritional and biological value. Such drinks can be recommended for extreme conditions and sports nutrition, including faster and better recovery after heavy physical exertion. Aim. The paper is aimed at developing isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks with spirulina, fruits and Siberian berries. Materials and Methods. Spirulina microalgae (Royal Forest, TU 03.21.49-009-29903295-2017) was purchased at the Healthy Food Products specialized store. The physicochemical parameters of spirulina powder were determined in accordance with GOST 31412-2010. The mineral composition of spirulina was studied by atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) using the Thermo Scientific iCaP-6500 DUO spectrometer and the iTEVA software package. The determination of vitamin content was carried out in accordance with GOST and pharmacopoeial standards. Directions for creating isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks with spirulina, fruits and berries were determined based on organoleptic criteria. Results. The mineral composition of spirulina (Royal Forest) was determined, and the content of macro- and micro-elements in spirulina was correlated with physiological norms for satisfying daily demand of an adult. It is shown that microalgae are a source of iron and copper as the content of these minerals in 100 g of the product reaches 27.9 and 66.3 % of recommended daily intake, respectively. When studying the content of vitamins, it was found that thiamine and riboflavin showed the best indicators of ensuring daily demand of vitamins - 18.5 and 26.3 %, respectively. Based on the assessment of organoleptic properties, the recipes for isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks made of spirulina, fruits and berries are presented. Conclusion. It is shown that isotonic vitamin and mineral fruit and berry drinks with spirulina contain a vitamin-mineral complex and are characterized by increased nutritional and biological value. Such drinks can be recommended for extreme conditions and sports nutrition, including faster and better recovery after heavy physical exertion. © 2020 South Ural State University - Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service. All rights reserved. Aim. The paper is aimed at developing isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks with spirulina, fruits and Siberian berries. Materials and Methods. Spirulina microalgae (Royal Forest, TU 03.21.49-009-29903295-2017) was purchased at the Healthy Food Products specialized store. The physicochemical parameters of spirulina powder were determined in accordance with GOST 31412-2010. The mineral composition of spirulina was studied by atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) using the Thermo Scientific iCaP-6500 DUO spectrometer and the iTEVA software package. The determination of vitamin content was carried out in accordance with GOST and pharmacopoeial standards. Directions for creating isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks with spirulina, fruits and berries were determined based on organoleptic criteria. Results. The mineral composition of spirulina (Royal Forest) was determined, and the content of macro- and micro-elements in spirulina was correlated with physiological norms for satisfying daily demand of an adult. It is shown that microalgae are a source of iron and copper as the content of these minerals in 100 g of the product reaches 27.9 and 66.3 % of recommended daily intake, respectively. When studying the content of vitamins, it was found that thiamine and riboflavin showed the best indicators of ensuring daily demand of vitamins - 18.5 and 26.3 %, respectively. Based on the assessment of organoleptic properties, the recipes for isotonic vitamin and mineral drinks made of spirulina, fruits and berries are presented. Conclusion. It is shown that isotonic vitamin and mineral fruit and berry drinks with spirulina contain a vitamin-mineral complex and are characterized by increased nutritional and biological value. Such drinks can be recommended for extreme conditions and sports nutrition, including faster and better recovery after heavy physical exertion. © 2020 South Ural State University - Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service. All rights reserved.

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Журнал: Человек. Спорт. Медицина

Выпуск журнала: Т. 20, 3

Номера страниц: 129-138

ISSN журнала: 25000209

Место издания: Челябинск

Издатель: Южно-Уральский государственный университет (национальный исследовательский университет)


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