Separatism as a Kind of Extremism: A Socio-Philosophical Analysis : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Separatism as a Kind of Extremism: A Socio-Philosophical Analysis : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2021

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/15617793/472/4

Ключевые слова: extremism, separatism, secession, territorial integrity, extension of autonomy, discrimination

Аннотация: The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop effective management decisions in the field of countering extremist activities. One of the most dangerous manifestations of extremism is separatism based on religious fundamentalism and nationalism and using terror and violent actions as the main methods. The aim of the work is a socio-philosophical analysis of separatism as a sociocultural and political phenomenon constructed within the framework of the postmodern concept. The methodological basis of the work is a socio-philosophical analysis, which allows us to identify goals and objectives, behavioral patterns and establish the dynamics of social relations in separatist associations. The concepts of social psychologists contribute to the definition of the features of the cognitive properties of extremists. Extremist behavior is considered a deviant form of social activity aimed at transforming the current sociopolitical situation, creating a new state, or introducing other forms of administrative and territorial administration. The state defines these actions as illegal activities that violate its territorial integrity. Extremism appears to be a socially and politically dangerous activity committed publicly, individually and/or within an organization with the aim of causing internal political conflicts and social tension by exacerbating interreligious, interethnic, and other kinds of social contradictions. It is expressed in the appropriate style of thinking and patterns of behavior, justified by a transformed religious tradition, nationalist theories, and/or a new interpretation of historical facts. Extremist activity and the corresponding ideology are interdependent; this activity forms cultural perceptions and models of thinking (extremist consciousness). Separatism is expressed in the presence of stable attitudes among the population groups of a territory to the need to expand autonomy and the possibility of independent governance, based on the ideas of their discrimination or illegal, forced inclusion. Secession is purposeful and organized actions to implement the specified moments. The prerequisites are economic and political conditions, and the rationale is sociocultural characteristics. The important role of the demographic factor in the growth of separatist sentiments is noted. On the basis of the economic development of the regions, the specificity of separatist sentiments is noted. Currently, the Russian state is implementing a number of measures to counter separatist manifestations: the consolidation of regions, the creation of macroeconomic zones, and the tightening of anti-extremist legislation.

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Выпуск журнала: Is. 472

Номера страниц: 30-37

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: TOMSK



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