Функциональное моделирование методов угломерных навигационных определений как этап автоматизированного проектирования навигационной аппаратуры : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Функциональное моделирование методов угломерных навигационных определений как этап автоматизированного проектирования навигационной аппаратуры : научное издание

Перевод названия: Functional modeling of the spatial orientation methods as a stage of computer-aided design for navigation equipment

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2017

Ключевые слова: угломерная навигационная аппаратура, пространственная ориентация, ГНСС-приемник, функциональное моделирование, angle measuring of navigation equipment, spatial orientation, GNSS-receiver, Functional Modeling

Аннотация: Разработана в среде Matlab/Simulink функциональная модель навигационного приемника, позволяющая проводить исследование и коррекцию параметров методов угломерных навигационных определений, анализировать влияние среды распространения навигационного сигнала на точность определения координат объекта в пространстве и т.д. Функциональная модель имитирует характеристики блока цифровой обработки сигналов навигационного приемника и предназначена для использования на этапах предварительного проектирования навигационной аппаратуры с целью сокращения их длительности и снижения затрат на макетирование. At the present stage of technical development the requirements for satellite hardware system for receiving and processing navigation signals is rapidly growing. The navigation receiver is the main element of the navigation equipment of customers (NEC) and performs a set of functions, among which the mains are preprocessing of a signal, search of navigation signals and identification of the satellite, reception of the navigation messages transferred by the satellite and visualization of the received results. The article deals with the development of an imitation model of a receiver of navigation satellite signals (GNSS receiver) as an element of a complex design environment and testing of electronic equipment. The Matlab system together with the Simulink module which allows building complex circuits of signal processing in the graphic mode is used for simulation. The main task of computer model of the GNSS-receiver is to simulate the methods of the angular navigational definitions in order to verify their accuracy and evaluate the feasibility in integrated circuits of the «System on a Crystal» class. Simulation of various methods allows to find the most successful solutions for algorithms for signal processing of navigational spacecrafts and to develop an effective architecture of the block of digital signal processing of GNSS receiver. The computer model of the GNSS receiver makes it possible to investigate and correct the parameters of the angular navigation definitions methods using for determining the spatial orientation, the Euler angles and the resolution of the phase ambiguities. The computer model allows analyzing the influence of the navigation signal propagation environment on the accuracy of determining the object's coordinates, evaluating the characteristics of the implementation options for signal processing algorithms without using the GNSS receiver model or its individual blocks. The functional model simulates the characteristics of the digital receiver signal processing unit of the navigation receiver and is intended for use in the preliminary design stages of navigation equipment in order to shorten their duration and reduce the cost of prototyping. For the successful development and production of perspective navigation equipment should be used at pre-project stages of functional modeling of software. The functional model of the receiver of navigation signals developed in the Matlab / Simulink environment meets such requirements, provides modeling of characteristics and correction of key parameters of the methods of goniometric navigation definitions.

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Журнал: Успехи современной радиоэлектроники

Выпуск журнала: 12

Номера страниц: 80-84

ISSN журнала: 20700784

Место издания: Москва

Издатель: Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника


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