Продовольственный вопрос в городах Восточной Сибири в период первой мировой войны и его обсуждение на съезде представителей городов в апреле 1916 года : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Продовольственный вопрос в городах Восточной Сибири в период первой мировой войны и его обсуждение на съезде представителей городов в апреле 1916 года : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2018

Идентификатор DOI: 10.24224/2227-1295-2018-1-158-170

Ключевые слова: восточная Сибирь, городское общественное самоуправление, первая мировая война, продовольственный вопрос, съезд представителей городов, eastern Siberia, urban public self-government, First World War, food issue, Congress of cities

Аннотация: Статья посвящена деятельности органов городского общественного самоуправления Восточной Сибири по решению продовольственного вопроса в годы Первой мировой войны. Автор указывает, что этой проблемой, в том числе на обширных территориях уездов, занимались городские власти, поскольку в Сибири не было земства. Показано, что в условиях дефицита ресурсов, неимения какого бы то ни было плана действий они начали объединяться вокруг региональных комитетов Всероссийского союза городов. Сообщается, что на съезде представителей городов Восточной Сибири в Иркутске 15-19 апреля 1916 года вопрос о снабжении населения продуктами питания был одним из основных. Отмечается, что уже подготовительная работа по организации съезда позволила выявить местные причины дефицита и дороговизны товаров, сравнить опыт в регулировании цен, проведении закупочных операций. Подчеркивается, что участие в съезде муниципалитеты использовали в качестве возможности согласовать интересы, сформулировать и высказать свои пожелания относительно тех срочных мероприятий, которых ждали от правительства. Изучение того, как города подходили к решению проблем военного времени на областных съездах, позволяет автору статьи анализировать непосредственные причины перелома во взаимоотношениях власти и общественности, а также сделать выводы о том, почему продовольственный вопрос постепенно приобретал политическое звучание. The article is devoted to the activities of municipal self-government bodies of Eastern Siberia aimed at the decision of the food problem during the First world war. The author points out that this problem, including the extensive territories of counties were solving by city government because it there was no Zemstvo in Siberia. It is shown that under conditions of resource scarcity, not having any plan of action, they began to unite around regional committees of the all-Russian Union of cities. It is reported that at the Congress of cities representatives of Eastern Siberia in Irkutsk, April 15-19, 1916 the issue of supplying the population with food was one of the main. It is noted that even the preparatory work for organizing the conference helped to identify the local causes of the scarcity and high cost of goods, to compare the experience with price regulation and the conduct of procurement operations. It is emphasized that the municipalities used participation in the Congress as a way to reconcile the interests, to formulate and express their wishes about those urgent events, which expected from government. The study of how the city has approached the problems of wartime at the regional congresses allows the author to analyze the immediate causes of the fracture in the relationship between government and the public, as well as to draw conclusions about why the food issue gradually acquired political connotations. The article is devoted to the activities of municipal self-government bodies of Eastern Siberia aimed at the decision of the food problem during the First world war. The author points out that this problem, including the extensive territories of counties were solving by city government because it there was no Zemstvo in Siberia. It is shown that under conditions of resource scarcity, not having any plan of action, they began to unite around regional committees of the all-Russian Union of cities. It is reported that at the Congress of cities representatives of Eastern Siberia in Irkutsk, April 15-19, 1916 the issue of supplying the population with food was one of the main. It is noted that even the preparatory work for organizing the conference helped to identify the local causes of the scarcity and high cost of goods, to compare the experience with price regulation and the conduct of procurement operations. It is emphasized that the municipalities used participation in the Congress as a way to reconcile the interests, to formulate and express their wishes about those urgent events, which expected from government. The study of how the city has approached the problems of wartime at the regional congresses allows the author to analyze the immediate causes of the fracture in the relationship between government and the public, as well as to draw conclusions about why the food issue gradually acquired political connotations. The article is devoted to the activities of municipal self-government bodies of Eastern Siberia aimed at the decision of the food problem during the First world war. The author points out that this problem, including the extensive territories of counties were solving by city government because it there was no Zemstvo in Siberia. It is shown that under conditions of resource scarcity, not having any plan of action, they began to unite around regional committees of the all-Russian Union of cities. It is reported that at the Congress of cities representatives of Eastern Siberia in Irkutsk, April 15-19, 1916 the issue of supplying the population with food was one of the main. It is noted that even the preparatory work for organizing the conference helped to identify the local causes of the scarcity and high cost of goods, to compare the experience with price regulation and the conduct of procurement operations. It is emphasized that the municipalities used participation in the Congress as a way to reconcile the interests, to formulate and express their wishes about those urgent events, which expected from government. The study of how the city has approached the problems of wartime at the regional congresses allows the author to analyze the immediate causes of the fracture in the relationship between government and the public, as well as to draw conclusions about why the food issue gradually acquired political connotations. The article is devoted to the activities of municipal self-government bodies of Eastern Siberia aimed at the decision of the food problem during the First world war. The author points out that this problem, including the extensive territories of counties The article is devoted to the activities of municipal self-government bodies of Eastern Siberia aimed at the decision of the food problem during the First world war. The author points out that this problem, including the extensive territories of counties

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Журнал: Научный диалог

Выпуск журнала: 1

Номера страниц: 158-170

ISSN журнала: 2225756X

Место издания: Екатеринбург

Издатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр научных и образовательных проектов"


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