Three-dimensional model of the evolution of the Earth's ring current protons during the magnetic storm : доклад, тезисы доклада | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Three-dimensional model of the evolution of the Earth's ring current protons during the magnetic storm : доклад, тезисы доклада

Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: PROBLEMS OF GEOCOSMOS; Saint-Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg

Год издания: 2016

Ключевые слова: magnetosphere, radial diffusion, energy diffusion, pitch angle diffusion, wave-particle interaction, Ring Current

Аннотация: The purpose of the work is a further development of three-dimensional models. Therefore, a non-stationary three-dimensional numerical model describing the evolution of the proton distribution function has been developed. The distribution of the ring current protons in the inner magnetosphere during a magnetic storm is studied. The temporal and spatial evolution of the proton phase space densities in the Earth's dipole field has been simulated by a threedimensional model with taking account the radial, pitch angle and energy diffusion. The loss terms are related to the charge exchange and wave-particle interactions. The suggested model is a three-dimensional model with an original description of the pitch angle diffusion, which includes an original definition of the energy diffusion coefficient and a source of the charged particles and contains some mathematical models of the pitch angle diffusion as particular cases. The simulation starts with a quiet time distribution. The model is tested by comparing the calculated proton fluxes with Polar/MICS measurement during the magnetic storm on 21 - 22 October 1999. The calculations with the non-stationary three-dimensional mathematical model have been executed for a full range of the pitch angles from 0° to 180° at distances L = 2.26 - 6.6 for the energy range of protons E = (85 - 95) keV during 20 hours and 30 minutes for a real magnetic storm. In particular, comparison of the model proton pitch angle distributions (L = 5, MLT = 2300, E = 90 keV) with the pitch angle distributions observed by Polar/MICS for E = (80 - 100) keV, L = 5, MLT = 22.9 - 23.2 has been made. A good agreement between the model pitch angle distributions of protons and the experimental data has been demonstrated. The tendency, that the pitch angle distribution is a pancake-like for the prestorm condition, while it becomes a butterfly-like in the storm main phase has been confirmed. The suggested model can be used for modeling of the charged particle distribution function in the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn.

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Номера страниц: 310-317

Издатель: ООО "Издательство ВВМ"


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