Отношение религии и философии как предпосылка обнаружения символов абсолютной истины в священных религиозных текстах | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Отношение религии и философии как предпосылка обнаружения символов абсолютной истины в священных религиозных текстах

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2015

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/15617793/392/9

Ключевые слова: truth, religion, philosophy of religion, values, transcendental being, истина, религия, философия религии, ценности, трансцендентное бытие

Аннотация: Раскрываются возможности философской постановки и решения проблемы истины как абсолютной. Предполагается, что философия религии есть область философии, где религия рассматривается как пространство наличного бытия абсолютной истины. Философия религии использует инструментарии рационального анализа религии. Одновременно философия религии утверждает, что религия не есть иллюзия, а имеет свое содержание. Философия религии рассматривает ценности как реально существующие, но проверяет бытие ценностей с помощью критического разума. Основная проблема философии религии - это проблема сущности религии. В контексте философии религии концепция принимает особый, сотериологиче-ский характер. In the present Russian philosophical tradition, the problem of truth is often set forth and solved through the epistemological aspect, when truth is considered to be a feature of the process of cognition. At the same time, there appears and develops another philosophical position when truth is a characterization of not only the process of cognition but also an indicator of the true identity of a human being. This statement of the problem of truth is called the "ontological" one. Due to the beginning of the ontological concepts of truth, the field of meanings of the truth concept is specified: truth obtains axiological, creatological and soteriological facets. In the modern Russian philosophy, the idea of "the absolute truth" is regarded to be something lacking present being. Its content is connected with religion while religion is often comprehended as "imperfect philosophy". The author believes that there are certain forms of philosophical knowledge which are appropriate for raising the problem of the absolute truth: that is philosophy of religion. On the one hand, it does not deny but examines the existential bases of religion. On the other hand, it verifies religious values by means of the tools of critical thinking. The article thoroughly investigates into the three formation stages of philosophy of religion: religious philosophy, philosophy of religion proper, and scientific religious studies. The philosophical ideas have been examined which analyze the problem of nature of religion from various points: psychological, sociological, anthropological and phenomenological. We assume that it is philosophy of religion where one should seek real answers to the question on the nature of religion in the context of the problem of truth. In the article, the core of religion is defined as a comprehension of the universal values of mind as a manifestation of the transcendental and absolute being which gives the essence of the values in us and through us. In recognizing religion as something independent, one should consider a system of arguments of philosophy of religion which are connected with the Revelation, the holy texts of a concrete historical religion. Here, holy texts should be understood as written records of a religious culture which exist as the Revelation (knowledge translated by the very God, or the Absolute) within a concrete religious world outlook. Philosophical reflection of truth in the context of absoluteness as a salvatory goal of a human being is hidden in signs and symbols of the Revelations of concrete historical religions. One should distinguish the soteriological form of truth as a certain aspect of ontologi-cal truth. Thus, truth is not only a feature of the process of cognition and a common characteristic of a human being. In the context of philosophy of religion, it appears to be an attribute of the system of values which are translated through holy texts of a concrete historical religion.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 392

Номера страниц: 59-65

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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