Монтажные реплики в рассказах ангарцев как композиционная особенность устного нарратива : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Монтажные реплики в рассказах ангарцев как композиционная особенность устного нарратива : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2018

Идентификатор DOI: 10.24224/2227-1295-2018-4-147-159

Ключевые слова: нарратив, ангарский словарь, вставные реплики, устный рассказ, генеалогия, narrative, Angara dictionary, insert replicas, oral narrative, genealogy

Аннотация: Впервые рассмотрен композиционный прием, который регулярно встречается в устных рассказах (нарративах) ангарцев, уроженцев и жителей мест реки Ангара, - вставные реплики, которые по сути являются свернутыми темами (микротемами). Отмечается, что вставки имеют законченную композицию. Утверждается, что появление таких речевых конструкций обусловлено большой значимостью обозначаемого ими содержания для рассказчика. Автор определяет структуру нарратива как относительно произвольную: вставные реплики появляются в том месте нарратива, которое кажется говорящему уместным. Наличие подобных микротематических вставок позволило автору статьи предположить, что информант, рассказывая об одном событии или периоде своей жизни, одновременно подразумевает общую картину повествования. Например, как показал анализ собранного материала, появление вставных реплик о смерти родственников (своеобразных свернутых «текстов смерти») диктуется не логикой и темой беседы, а метакоммуникативной задачей говорящего. Рассказчик как будто выполняет обязательное маркирование главных этапов жизненного цикла человека: рождение - проживание - смерть. Автор статьи называет содержание таких реплик микрогенеалогией, так как они представляют собой краткое упоминание о всех членах семьи, рода. Compositional technique, which is regularly found in the oral stories (narratives) of natives and residents of areas of the Angara river, - insert replicas, which are essentially collapsed themes (micro-themes) are considered for the first time. It is noted that insert have a complete composition. It is argued that the appearance of such speech structures is determined by the high importance of designated content for the narrator. The author defines the structure of the narrative as a relatively arbitrary: inset replicas appear in the place of the narrative, which seems appropriate to the speaker. The presence of such micro-thematic inserts allowed the author to assume that the informant, telling about one event or period of his / her life, at the same time implies a general picture of the narrative, that is, correlates the content of the replica with a holistic view of himself in the opposition “part - whole”. For example, as it was shown by the analysis of the collected material, the appearance of insert remarks about the death of relatives (a kind of folded “texts of death”) is dictated not by the logic and the topic of conversation, but by the metha-communicative task of the speaker. The narrator seems to perform mandatory labeling of the main stages of the human life cycle: birth - living - death. The author calls the content of such replicas micro-genealogy, as they are a brief mention of all the family members. Compositional technique, which is regularly found in the oral stories (narratives) of natives and residents of areas of the Angara river, - insert replicas, which are essentially collapsed themes (micro-themes) are considered for the first time. It is noted that insert have a complete composition. It is argued that the appearance of such speech structures is determined by the high importance of designated content for the narrator. The author defines the structure of the narrative as a relatively arbitrary: inset replicas appear in the place of the narrative, which seems appropriate to the speaker. The presence of such micro-thematic inserts allowed the author to assume that the informant, telling about one event or period of his / her life, at the same time implies a general picture of the narrative, that is, correlates the content of the replica with a holistic view of himself in the opposition "part - whole". For example, as it was shown by the analysis of the collected material, the appearance of insert remarks about the death of relatives (a kind of folded "texts of death") is dictated not by the logic and the topic of conversation, but by the metha-communicative task of the speaker. The narrator seems to perform mandatory labeling of the main stages of the human life cycle: birth - living - death. The author calls the content of such replicas micro-genealogy, as they are a brief mention of all the family members. Compositional technique, which is regularly found in the oral stories (narratives) of natives and residents of areas of the Angara river, - insert replicas, which are essentially collapsed themes (micro-themes) are considered for the first time. It is noted that insert have a complete composition. It is argued that the appearance of such speech structures is determined by the high importance of designated content for the narrator. The author defines the structure of the narrative as a relatively arbitrary: inset replicas appear in the place of the narrative, which seems appropriate to the speaker. The presence of such micro-thematic inserts allowed the author to assume that the informant, telling about one event or period of his / her life, at the same time implies a general picture of the narrative, that is, correlates the content of the replica with a holistic view of himself in the opposition "part - whole". For example, as it was shown by the analysis of the collected material, the appearance of insert remarks about the death of relatives (a kind of folded "texts of death") is dictated not by the logic and the topic of conversation, but by the metha-communicative task of the speaker. The narrator seems to perform mandatory labeling of the main stages of the human life cycle: birth - living - death. The author calls the content of such replicas micro-genealogy, as they are a brief mention of all the family members. Compositional technique, which is regularly found in the oral stories (narratives) of natives and residents of areas of the Angara river, - insert replicas, which are essentially collapsed themes (micro-themes) are considered for the first time. It is not Compositional technique, which is regularly found in the oral stories (narratives) of natives and residents of areas of the Angara river, - insert replicas, which are essentially collapsed themes (micro-themes) are considered for the first time. It is not

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Журнал: Научный диалог

Выпуск журнала: 4

Номера страниц: 147-159

ISSN журнала: 2225756X

Место издания: Екатеринбург

Издатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр научных и образовательных проектов"


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