Коррупционные схемы при поставках продовольствия в армию в период Первой мировой войны: на примере Енисейской губернии : научное издание | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Коррупционные схемы при поставках продовольствия в армию в период Первой мировой войны: на примере Енисейской губернии : научное издание

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2018

Идентификатор DOI: 10.24224/2227-1295-2018-3-149-161

Ключевые слова: Енисейск, красноярск, махинации, первая мировая война, продовольственные заготовки для армии, уполномоченный, Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk, machinations, World War I, food stock for the army, authorized

Аннотация: Рассматривается частный случай махинаций с заготовками продовольствия для армии в годы Первой мировой войны. Сообщается, что осенью 1916 года уполномоченный Министерства земледелия в Западной Сибири А. А. Митаревский командировал своего представителя Новикова на север Енисейской губернии с целью покупки партии туруханской рыбы. Агент заключил сделку с местными оптовиками П. А. и Ф. А. Тонконоговыми и Г. Е. Кучеренко по стоимости, значительно превышавшей среднерыночную. Будучи крупными рыбопромышленниками в Енисейском уезде, Тонконоговы и Кучеренко купили у рыбаков-промысловиков весь улов и продали Новикову по максимальной цене. Ситуация вызвала возмущение местных торговцев, кооперативных организаций и населения. Для обеспечения конкурентных условий на рыбном рынке более мелким предпринимателям, для снабжения горожан рыбой по доступным ценам в дело вмешался енисейский губернатор Я. Г. Гололобов. В результате условия сделки были аннулированы. Автором сделан вывод о том, что попытки реализовать подобные коррупционные схемы наносили материальный ущерб казне, демонстрировали аморальное и криминальное поведение многих торговцев и должностных лиц, вели к росту недовольства населения и общего негативного отношения к институтам власти и бизнеса. A particular case of machinations with food for the army during the First World War is considered. It is reported that in the autumn of 1916 the authorized representative of the Ministry of Agriculture in Western Siberia, A.A. Mitarevsky, sent his representative Novikov to the north of the Yenisei province to purchase a part of the Turukhansk fish. The agent made a deal with local wholesalers P.A. and F.A. Tonkonogov and G. E. Kucherenko at a cost much higher than the market average. Being large fish producers in the Yenisei Uyezd, the Tonkonogovs and Kucherenko bought all fish from fishermen and sold it to Novikov at the maximum price. The situation provoked outrage among local traders, cooperative organizations and the population. To ensure competitive conditions in the fish market to smaller entrepreneurs, Yenisei Governor Ya. G. Gololobov intervened to supply fish to the townspeople at affordable prices. As a result, the terms of the transaction were canceled. The author concludes that attempts to implement such corruption schemes have caused material damage to the treasury, demonstrated the immoral and criminal behavior of many traders and officials, led to an increase in discontent among the population and a general negative attitude towards institutions of power and business. A particular case of machinations with food for the army during the First World War is considered. It is reported that in the autumn of 1916 the authorized representative of the Ministry of Agriculture in Western Siberia, A. A. Mitarevsky, sent his representative Novikov to the north of the Yenisei province to purchase a part of the Turukhansk fish. The agent made a deal with local wholesalers P.A. and F.A. Tonkonogov and G.E. Kucherenko at a cost much higher than the market average. Being large fish producers in the Yenisei Uyezd, the Tonkonogovs and Kucherenko bought all fish from fishermen and sold it to Novikov at the maximum price. The situation provoked outrage among local traders, cooperative organizations and the population. To ensure competitive conditions in the fish market to smaller entrepreneurs, Yenisei Governor Ya.G. Gololobov intervened to supply fish to the townspeople at affordable prices. As a result, the terms of the transaction were canceled. The author concludes that attempts to implement such corruption schemes have caused material damage to the treasury, demonstrated the immoral and criminal behavior of many traders and officials, led to an increase in discontent among the population and a general negative attitude towards institutions of power and business. A particular case of machinations with food for the army during the First World War is considered. It is reported that in the autumn of 1916 the authorized representative of the Ministry of Agriculture in Western Siberia, A. A. Mitarevsky, sent his representative Novikov to the north of the Yenisei province to purchase a part of the Turukhansk fish. The agent made a deal with local wholesalers P.A. and F.A. Tonkonogov and G.E. Kucherenko at a cost much higher than the market average. Being large fish producers in the Yenisei Uyezd, the Tonkonogovs and Kucherenko bought all fish from fishermen and sold it to Novikov at the maximum price. The situation provoked outrage among local traders, cooperative organizations and the population. To ensure competitive conditions in the fish market to smaller entrepreneurs, Yenisei Governor Ya.G. Gololobov intervened to supply fish to the townspeople at affordable prices. As a result, the terms of the transaction were canceled. The author concludes that attempts to implement such corruption schemes have caused material damage to the treasury, demonstrated the immoral and criminal behavior of many traders and officials, led to an increase in discontent among the population and a general negative attitude towards institutions of power and business. A particular case of machinations with food for the army during the First World War is considered. It is reported that in the autumn of 1916 the authorized representative of the Ministry of Agriculture in Western Siberia, A. A. Mitarevsky, sent his repres A particular case of machinations with food for the army during the First World War is considered. It is reported that in the autumn of 1916 the authorized representative of the Ministry of Agriculture in Western Siberia, A. A. Mitarevsky, sent his repres

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Журнал: Научный диалог

Выпуск журнала: 3

Номера страниц: 149-161

ISSN журнала: 2225756X

Место издания: Екатеринбург

Издатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр научных и образовательных проектов"


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