Начало уголовного процесса и его влияние на уголовно-процессуальную форму | Научно-инновационный портал СФУ

Начало уголовного процесса и его влияние на уголовно-процессуальную форму

Перевод названия: Origin of the criminal procedure and its influence on the criminal procedure form

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2013

Ключевые слова: controversy, publicity, form, origin, состязательность, публичность, НАЧАЛо, форма

Аннотация: Рассмотрено одно из основных понятий для понимания и построения уголовно-процессуальной деятельности - «начало уголовного процесса», дается его определение, показывается, что начало уголовного процесса соотносится с формой уголовного процесса через цели, положение субъектов и познавательную схему. Четко разводятся состязательное и публичное начало, делаются выводы о невозможности смешения начал в рамках выделенных элементов. At present, the law is often subject to changes. The changes are extremely heterogeneous, which has a negative impact on the criminal procedure. One of the main reasons for this situation is the ambiguity of the basic concepts essential for understanding and building the criminal procedure. Origin of the criminal procedure is one of these concepts. After analysing the existing approaches and the historical tradition of the use of this notion the author defines origin of a criminal case as a ratio of private and public interests that determines the structure of the criminal procedure; a ratio where one's interests prevail the others, which has developed in a society (a particular society ) under the influence of objective factors throughout its development. There are two types of origin - controversial ( predominance of private interests) and public (predominance of public interests). Each system must have its principles. The conclusions are consistent with the criminal procedure tradition of the 19th century and are exemplified in the history of Russia. Origin of the criminal procedure is not implemented in the model, as some authors state it, but in the form of the criminal procedure. The model in this case is only a research tool, the notion of a different level. The author finds elements of the form through which origin renders its influence. Origin of the criminal procedure has the following requirements to its organization: in terms of purposes - to correspond to the task of the criminal procedure, to the «social demand» for it; in terms of the subject - to be able to realise the prevailing interest; in terms of the cognitive scheme - to allow the subject to fully implement their prevailing (and non-contradictory other) interests and achieve their goals. The changes in these respects will substantially affect the form and the efficiency of activity, as for the form to react requires a significant change in the content of the system as a whole, or at least in one of its subsystems. It is absolutely obvious that different forms may have common elements, which do not belong to their main characteristics and influence their bases. Another thing is that the purpose of these elements can be different in different forms.

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Журнал: Уголовная юстиция

Выпуск журнала: 2

Номера страниц: 27-30

ISSN журнала: 23088451

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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